Year 2007.

Shenyang's Life History.

20 years ago, nurses in Elizabeth Hospital in Kota Kinabalu welcomed the birth of a person with extraordinary talents unknown to man. He was king. He had everything he wanted and more. He got his grandad to piggybag him anytime he wanted, he also asked his elder to imitate the sound of lizards which amuses him and to take him to the playground at his command irrespective of time.

18 years ago, this boy had his special talents superseded. Because another King was born. Although he was inferior in terms of rank, he still got what he wanted by superior means of intimidation. Most of the time.

16 years ago, this boy was forced to attend pre-school, againts his will. He fought mightily and resisted temporary deportation to the institution, but he failed to succeed. Education eroded his intelligence and kept his thinking in a box filled with Peter & Jane and tambourine banging. He did not like being seen in this condition, especially not infront of his first crush which he still remembers today. He ended pre-school education with a stage performance of the turtle and the rabbit, which he took role as the rabbit and his best friend then, the turtle. They never talked much to each other ever since.

14 years ago, this boy enrolled into primary school. He did not resist after multiple brain-washing sessions took place in pre-school. Here he witness lewd acts of 6 year olds. A girl lifting up her skirt showing her panties to another boy held down by two other accomplices of the girl. This event left a scar in his childhood, tormented the eyes and corrupted minds of every witness to this event.

13 years ago, this boy discovered the skill of make belief statements by accident. He hid a book titled "how to draw" and bookmarked the page of a sketch picture of a women's breast under his bed because he was unable to comprehend what interest him so much about the lump of fat. When the book was discovered he used logic. "Who the hell would hide something like that under his own bed? I've never seen the thing before, it must be the other King, he wants to put me to blame!". Eureka.

12 years ago, this boy mastered the art of balancing on 2 wheels. He also discovered football, which he enjoyed playing with total strangers in the field behind his house. He also mastered the art of opening the doors and gate silently to elude detection whenever he escaped to the field without the knowledge of his superiors. Being stealth also led him to other discoveries which he will not describe at this point.

10 years ago, this mischievous boy understood and appreciated the concept of solitude, started questioning his very existence. Here he also met another great guy which he knows till now.

9 years ago, this mischievous naughty boy acknowledged the cane after skipping tuition classes for 3 months.

8 years ago, this mischievous naughty boy finally managed to defeat his superior in badminton, and he completed primary school and sweared that he'll never write chinese again.

7 years ago, this kid discovered pokemon, digimon and porn.

6 years ago, he was still addicted to porn and pokemon, and discovered cybercafes.

5 years ago, his computer broke down and he didn't continue his porn watching habit. However, he was still addicted to pokemon. He also helped out with the Ghost House project for canteen day.

4 years ago, this teenager finally acknowledges that he was afraid of girls. This didn't help him at all when he was interested in this girl.

3 years ago, this teenager was still afraid of talking to girls. He headed Ghost House 2, and managed great financial success. His friend of 7 years totally foiled his plans to get the girl he liked to the Ghost House which he managed to ask her to have a visit. This was done through the PA system directly facing the main crowd with something along the lines of, "This is a dedication coming from Chin Shenyang, going out to XXX with a message I love you." I hated the song [Daniel Beningfield-If you're not the one] ever since.

2 years ago, this teenager got his boring ass into form 6. He was forced to overcome his phobia of the other sex to adapt. Great success, but was also left to pick up pieces of his shattered heart.

1 year ago, this teenager studied his ass off and managed considerable success.

This year, this young adult enrolled into Malaysia's most prestigious university and things are looking good so far.

What's next for the next 20 years? I'll tell you the first installment of the next 20 year story, the next year that starts tomorrow.

Have a good 2007 everyone!


It's that time again!

It's a time of celebration, a moment where we share and spread the spirit of commercialised Christmas, where we exchange presents and hope that every one got what they wished for, generate more income for the big companies, feed the addiction of lavish lifestyles of the old man in the company with round bellies and overweight CEO's with enough fat to generate electricity for a small city, and watch them get a new house for their mistress so that they keep both wives and tax officers away from their fortune, while we sulk at first sight of the unwrapped presents.

Most of you forget that there's an alternative way to celebrate christmas. The proper way. Since most of you do not think much about the birth of Christ, and enjoy singing "Rudolph the red nose reindeer" than "What child is this", and hope that Santa comes down your non-existent chimney than the coming of Christ, and wishes for global warming so that the weather gets haywire and start snowing in the tropics. This is what you do. You spend time with the friends around you.

With alcohol.

What else could you possibly ask for? Everyone takes a sip (2 sips/cups/mugs depending on the individual), gets high and happy, start shouting like mad mans on the streets which relieves stress, talk about things you normally wouldn't whisper about, secret affairs, crushes, who you killed and not feelings embarrass about it, because everyone will be laughing their ass off no matter what you say. This my friends, is the best way to celebrate Christmas and I urge you, everyone single one of you, to treasure this moment because it only comes around once a year, a moment that can never be returned but always kept in our memories.

Ahaks. I kid. Except for the last part.

Merry X'mas everyone, hope you have a blast no matter how you celebrate. And please slow down on the booze, drink responsibly, don't end up like this kid right here. Psssh, what was he thinking?!

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Merry X'mas Everyone!


Afraid. No more.

People are afraid of different things, but all of us share the same fear at some point of our lives. Perhaps most of us still are, we do not realize it, or choose to deny that we're afraid of change. Changes that affects our lives, that we do not know if it'll benefit us, good or bad unless we take that leap of faith. It is in the norm that we always want the good stuff, but it is always the fear to take that fall that prevents all of us to make that change.

We are afraid to fail, make mistakes, disappoint, accept criticism, ridiculed. Afraid to be ashamed, hurt and even afraid to seek for love. It is this fear that drives us to depression, anger, sadness and regret. The fear to change, to live outside the comfort zone, to give yourself a chance to be a better person.

We look at other peoples success and happiness and we question "How did they do it?", looking for tips, advises and shortcuts hoping that you'll have the same. We often forget, maybe clouded by their wealth that they too had bad times they had to deal with. We are always looking for happiness never sorrow. We are hypocrites, knowing that there's no such thing as a free lunch, yet, always hoping for one.

We should challenge ourselves to take that fall, rise up and do it all over again. There will be wounds, deep wounds sometimes. It take time to heal wounds, only time, and time is what we youth have in abundant. It'll be one hell of a journey and a story, because when you're old and fragile, you'll laugh and you'll be happy because you're satisfied that you led a full life, because the change you made, made you into a better person. And it'll be one hell of a story to tell , and they'll remember you, they'll remember that you're a great man who wasn't afraid to make that change, to make that great change, changes you make that will inspire them to face their fears, changes that will make them into a better person.

Make that move and take whatever that comes, even when all hell breaks loose you deal with it . Instead of living the rest of your life, regretting that you didn't.

I talked too much trying to convince myself to get my hair cut didn't I?


Doggy Fun.

Now... most of you already know that I love my dogs. What you guys DON'T know, is why I love them.

Here's one reason.

My dogs are killing machines. You're crazy, is what you're probably telling me now. But being the person who prides himself as a person of truth and justice, I have with me, photographic evidence of their act in the massacre of the monitor lizard.

Now you see.. the next question you'd ask is.. "Where the hell did you find monitor lizards?", of course I could reply saying that also being the biologist that I am, I'm naturally inclined to see nature having fun at my backyard and I therefore lured them there, but it'll also contradict with what I said ealier about how much fun I get watching my dogs ripping its gut wide open. I'm starting to think that I've developed a interest in watching things die. Which kinda makes sense, since you can only cut it open and observe it's internal structure while it's dead. I'm gonna be one hell of a biologist.

Without wasting anytime, let me show you photographic evidence of their act.

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On the top left, we have with us Subejct Killing Machine #1, codename: Baby @ Xiao Boy. Don't let him dumb appearance fool you, he is dumber than he actually looks. Infront of Baby, we have us Killing Machine #0, codename: Dude, who is in charge of lead operations, tactical and strategy. And infront of Dude, we have with us, uhhh.... the monitor lizard who is playing dead.

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A close up of the scene revealed that the monitor lizard did not die from the jaws of Dude and Baby, there wasn't even a puncture to the reptileous scale.

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So I dug a pit and buried it alive, and proceeded to stomp on the ground to make sure it doesn't crawl out.

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And Dude was happy about it. Awwwww... Love ya lots too <3.

-The End-

Okay.. so I a bunch of things up. But it was a nice story right?


Thursday follow up.

Bastards in the hospitals told me that I had to have the cast on for 3 fucking months. Easy for them to say, all they do in the tiny office is to look at X-rays, talk like a 80 year old grandmothers and watch porn when no one's around. Psssh. No wonder everyone wants to be a doctor these days.

I'm so lost right now, I don't know what to deal with first. Starting to feel a little suicidal.


Life on one leg.

Has never been so interesting.
Bullshit. It ruined my plans for the semester break.

It was a Thursday morning and I decided that I'd go back home to Klang cause I felt like shit staying in coll. Meh... things started to bother me again, so I thought that it'll be better if I spent the last few hours studying back home for my last paper on Fri. It was fun walking all the way from my Coll to the LTR University Station 6 in the morning and took me about 45 minutes and almost my life, which I blame it on the lack of sleep or rather no sleep at all the previous night. The fun didn't end there, I walked all the way back home from the commuter station.

Here comes the interesting part.

I was on my way back to UM after dinner, bought my ticket and heard the train coming. So I ran up the stairs and back down again, only to see that the doors were closing and the train moving so very slowly away from me.

"Fuck." I said. Then I took a tumble for what reason I don't remember. Stood back up, brushed myself clean and tried not to make any eye contact with anyone. Then I realized that my feet felt a little weird, I looked down and found out that my feet was bend inwards. Like any other self respecting man that worships Jack Bauer, I thought to myself,

"WWJBD (What Would Jack Bauer Do)"
"He'll kick his feet back in place and start kicking terrorist ass."

So I tried to bend it out back without much success. Then I suddenly realized that I wasn't feeling any pain at all. No pain wasn't good, so I called my sis, hopped up the stairs, back down again, got my ass into the car and I was on my way to the hospital.

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This is how I looked like when I was first admitted, having fun on the wheelchair.

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This is me after a few minutes.

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This is how my feet looked like.

After the diagnostic test the doc sent me to get a cast done, I took off my shoes and this is how is it looked like.

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Try comparing it with your leg. Now look down, see how your limb runs all the way down to your feet. Ouch! You got that right.

So I got back to the doctor and she says that I got to get admitted, cause they can't just snap it back in place without having me sedated. In other words, they were just too chicken shit to do it. Back in the ward the Orthopedic doc told me that I have 2 joints dislocated and that it was very easy to get the ankle dislocated but very hard to get it back in, told me to expect surgery if they couldn't do it manually. He also told me to forget about tomorrow's test, which I was delighted to hear about. During this moment my body went into shock because there was too much fluid around the dislocated area making it swell. My sister got scared seeing me shivering violently every few seconds and went away. Which meant no pictures.

So I started to make calls to get contacts to inform them of my possible absence tomorrow in the exam hall, while dealing with the pain in the ankle, the MA trying to insert a line into my veins THREE times before he got it right, a painkiller jab, the occasional shock and signing documents with my LEFT hand while still in shock.

After a while I was wheeled back into the cast-making room where I was sedated and fell asleep faster that you can say "OH SHI-!". The next thing I knew, I was feeling my underpants. Seriously. The first thing that came into mind was "Those bastards stole my jeans!" not realizing that there could be far worst things that could have happen other than having my jeans stolen. I got home at midnight and didn't care much about the leg. I had the exam the next day.

Now that the exams are over and done with, got my stuff back home from coll. That leaves me with nothing to do.

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Thank you fate. I'm so going to cry soon. Ass.


I Rule.

And I got a damm good reason for that. You remember your parents saying that what you do as a kid decides what you become in the future? Well... for that reason, it is absolutely, totally, safe to say that I rule.

See it for yourself, I've got proof.

Standing tall.. standing very tall.

Close up of that laugh.

I even had my own evil laugh going on there. 'Nuff said.

I'm so proud of myself. *Sniff*


It Bites.

You know... It's been a hard week and all. Not the kind where you work your ass out and feel really tired about it. It's the kind where you sit your ass down, do nothing when your exam's around the corner, don't give a rats shit about that, and everything else that's happening around you while you think about things that shouldn't be really bothering you because you've already been through it and settled the score. Then you start to feel real down and depressed cause you know you've settled that.. But you don't know why does it have to come back and haunt you. After that.. You start to think about how you should have dealt with the matter.. Even though you know that it didn't really matter anymore.. Cause it's something of the past and most importantly because YOU SETTLED THE DAMM SCORE! Then you start to feel mellow about it and it DISTRACTS YOU FROM EVERY SINGLE DAMM THING YOU DO.

And the worst thing is that you can't tell anyone about it.. cause it'll have bad bad implications. BAD. Like real bad bad, something like losing one of your limbs. And your head. I mean you lose your head cause you lost your limbs. And from then on... You're in deep shit, and everything is thrown off equilibrium and Le' Chatellier isn't there to save your from that imbalance, no increase in forward/backward reactions, you'll just remain in deep shit. Deep deep shit.

So that was how my week was, I didn't tell anyone about it, settled it myself and I've moved on. BUT THE DAMM THING JUST HAD TO HAUNT ME, as if my sub-consciousness isn't happy on how I dealt with it. Well... Sub-conscious Shenyang, up your sub-conscious ass, bugger. I'm done with it. I'm gonna go study right now and you god damm memories everything I read into your little sub-conscious mind. Shit ass.

October is also the month where you feel a *lie*little*lie* pinch in your pocket.

Happy bithday to..

Ahaks, branch leader. Such calibre. She's take on world leader soon. XD


And of course a few more people who I'm too lazy to mention.

Happy... happy... B'day. You guys had better enjoyed the cake. I mean it.


A little late. Eh, no?

Meh.. we're already in the month of June, that's like half way through the year and it only seemed that I welcomed the new year drunk only a couple months ago. Yeah yeah.. I know exactly that 6 months IS a couple of months my brain hasn't decomposed to such a state where I wouldn't know how long 6 months is. 6 months is a couple of months!

6 months huh? Six frigging long months has passed and it only seemed that I welcomed the new year drunk only a couple weeks ago.
-Draft kept since June

This exactly shows how long I've been neglecting this spot. Again. Meh.. It's already September and soon it's be over, October will be upon us in no time. Which also brings about the dreaded finals in it's wake. Die.

On another note, I'm proud to announce that I can now tie my hair in such a fashion.
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Oh.. which also reminds me that I'm already 20, like I care anyway. Psssssh. My friends did though, cause they had a good time creaming me. Meh.. man did they did a good job, I was sniffing pieces of chocolate cheesecake up my nostrils the entire night. Thanks for that guys.

Experiences during my uni life will be up soon. Yeah.. I wished that I could trust myself when I say soon.


Last Day!

There won't be any work for me for the next few weeks! I told boss a week ago that I was going to quit end of this month and today is the end of the month! Akakakakkaz, got paid and left the place. Boss said she appreciated my work and she's willing to take me in if I'm on holidays and what not. Whatever boss!

But I didn't tell the kids that I'll be gone, I wonder how their reaction will be.

Audrey, Ashwin, Daniel x3(3 different daniels if you're wondering), Angel, Chee Chuan, Yi Ping, Nuva, Ri Zhou, Tian Yin, Alex, Sharma, Satishan, Surenthran, Rueben, Prasant, Karthik, Trishan, Veron, Hung Cheong, Vimal, Thivvya, Sie Unn, Pavitra, Harvieen, Haresh, Ethan, Lilian, Eireen, Soo Sun and her sister (forgot name =PpPP). Ohhh oh.. And not forgetting Megan and Sher Rou. I can tell you now with full confidence that Klang will be filled with pretty girls in the next decade or so. =X

It's been a pleasure to teach those kids. But I've got enough of teaching each kid how to do algebra, simple division, or subtraction (OMG, horror) for the rest of the year.

But something happened today that made me believe that I made the right choice. A mother to a student today did something really, uh.. you decide. She was at the door which I just so happen to walk pass, I saw her, with her head tilted abit to the side, smiled with her half closed eyes and gave me wave only kawaii-wannabe girls <15 years of age are capable of.

My multi-tasking brain was momentarilly trying to figure out a solution for a log question and figuring how to tell boss about my resignation, shutted down at that instant and gave me a WTF warning.I walked back to my table with my brain slowly rebooting trying to comprehend what actually happen, I realised that, shit, I really made the right move to quit today.

I shit you not, you don't want to see that coming from a women aged >30. NEVER. The horror.. Maybe it's a new genre of horror movie that she discovered.. herself. Stephen Spielberg could use her script to make award winning shows featuring Tom Cruise. Again.


I'm still trying to figure out how to spend the money I earned. Having a hard time figuring that out, even before that horror filled event.

Yeah.. I did open the door, took me some time to remember that I did. Damm woman!



'Cos I like it so. But I would be lying if I told you that.

I've been blog hopping lately and I noticed that my writing skills aren't even up to par with average bloggers, how depressing. =(

Honestly, I got a band 5 in MUET without knowing what verbs, tenses, nouns are and possibly every other technical aspects of the English language. With a limited vocabulary and knowing not how to use bombastic words even when I know what they mean, partially. I think.

I do not read articles in full, instead I scan and somehow only read important keywords and make up the rest of the story using common sense. I guess this implicated me in such a way that I'm unable to apply things that I already know. Maybe it's because I'm not much of a reader, and I don't write much unless I have to. Perhaps it's because of the way I was brought up and taught. Whatever it is, I am much aware that pointing the finger to anyone only result in 4 of my own fingers pointing back at me, because I didn't put in any noticeable effort that could change all this.

Such display of ignorance to my own mistake nonetheless would only put me at loss. I have to pull through and I will do it.

Expect increased frequencies of posts, and poorly constructed sentences.


Jack Bauer.

Because he's like soooooooooooooooooooo damn cool, he deserves to be on the TOP! I love the interweb, and i thank the genius who created the internet. THANK YOU! And not forgetting the creator of BT! Now I can watch all the lastest episodes of ANY TV shows just like any fat, dirty, non-showering, TV watching American! And it gets even better..

I GET TO BRING THEM WHEREVER I GO! I Love my PSP to bits I tell you. BITS! THANK YOU, creators of the magnificient console, the EVAH wonderful, and stylish, cool...


Past week has been good so far, nothing much to complain about, except for the fact that this years ang pau is a all time low record. I gueess I made my relatives (especially fathers side) think that they wouldn't need to give away so much considering that I'm working now. So... sucks to that. But at the same time.. I'm not bothered to count the money I've recieved, I mean.. my red packets are still locked and loaded and I forgot to bring back my ang pau from Chi Sum's place. So... yeah.

Boss said that she wanted to change the pay rate from hourly to monthly.. Lets just hope that it's more than what I'm getting paid now. 600~700, please? Considering that I'm working 88 hours per month, if I were to get paid 600~700, that would mean that I'm getting paid.. uh.. 7~8 bucks per hour.

I hope that I do get 700, pretty please?

Uh... nothing much else to report. Other than saying hellow to Joanne for stumbling across. Hehehe..

Signing Out!



Happy CNY, enter the year of the dog.

The dogs celebrated the new year by beheading the chicken. Well... at least that was what my dogs did to the chicken at home.

Happy doggy year people. Get rid of the chickens, and get a dog. You can save yourself the trouble and let the dogs do the job.


Emo Punk Cult Member.




6th Jan.

0900: Woke up and came online. Read stuff about PSP like I usually do. Unlike the other days I rise early from my bed to get a proper haircut in order to make myself more marketable to the work force.

1000: Bath and prepared for the trip to the saloon. Thought about what I wanted to do with my hair. Priority No. 1 Hair must be long. Period.

1015: On the road to the saloon Wai Tuck had his hair done, passed by APT. Still closed, moved on, found a parking space right opposite the salon.

1020: Initiated operation Get My Hair Cut. Stormed the front. Found Aunties waiting. Shit. Waited with Aunties. Nothing to do. Wished that I brought PSP to show off. Took magazine from drawer. All female related. No Choice, settled with FEMALE.

1030: The fella came, asked me what I wanted with my hair. In Chinese. Mentioned priority No. 1. Established mission objective with stylist. He mumbo jumbled something which I didn't understand completely, I nod.



1040: Watch in disbelief when hair came off slowly.. More hair came from me than the auntieSSSS combined. Made weird faces. He came out with funny scissors and continued with his work.

1100: Almost done, started to style my hair (THERE'S NO MORE FUNKING HAIR!!! FOOOLS!) in different ways, found one nice NOTTT! NEVER! Washed hair, blow dried, gel the hair a little more. Paid..


Msg-ed sis, Wai Tuck, Suet Lee, Sue Lynn and some other people

"I now belong to some emo punk cult with spiked hair. SHIT"



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